Inspiration…Where can we find it? 

Look deep with in yourself…deep down… there is someone very pure, very innocent, very loving, very sensitive and above all very inspiring!

Life can sometimes be very stressful and everything may seem gloomy. When we are low, distressed, in grief, we long for someone to pat our shoulder, inspire us and say, “Don’t worry, all will be fine. Get up and get going, boost your energy, look at the brighter side, find happiness in the simple things you have and make the most of them, fill yourself with courage, enthusiasm and self worth, you are doing a good job, I appreciate you.” But most of the time we do not find anyone to console us.

The best and the most honest person to uplift our spirits is our own SELF. The best inspiration a person can find is with in him/herself. Because we truly understand what we are going through, we respect the fact that we are hurt and sincerely want to do something about it. We are our best well wisher. So go ahead complement yourself for what you are and what you do. Be your own stimulus and your life will change for the better!

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