Attended the Book Signing of I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! at Magrudys

I attended the book signing of the novel I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! yesterday at Magrudys, Dubai Festival Center. The authors Mariam and Fatima Masood gave a presentation about the five character skins presented in the book and the storyline. This was followed by a quick quiz and Q&A session. Nice event. Have read the book…a very interesting story.

Exclusive Launch & Book Signing Event of the novel, I Know Who You Are! at Karachi International Book Fair 2009

Liberty Books presents the

Exclusive Launch & Book Signing Event of the novel,

I Know Who You Are! by Pakistani twin authors, Mariam and Fatima Masood,

during the Karachi International Book Fair 2009.

Be at the Karachi Expo Center, Activity Area, Hall 1

on Sunday, 13th December 2009 between 1:00 -1:45 pm in the afternoon.


This is your chance to win a copy of the new book, “I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!” by Mariam and Fatima Masood.

Simply answer the following questions and send them to with your name and mobile number. Competition for UAE residents only. Contest ends on 25th June. 




1. Where are the authors based?

a. Pakistan  b. Dubai  c. England

2. In the book, who moves into a new house with his family?

a. Grandfather  b. Scuff  c. Sultan

3. The book introduces five…

a. friends  b. character skins  c. family secrets


“I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!” is available at Jashanmal and Magrudys book stores. It is also available online at Amazon.


In this section I shall be adding information about events, offers and promotions that are on around town. CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS.

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Authors of I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! featured in Gulf News today…

I Know Who You Are! is available online @ Amazon

Article in Gulf News today…

Mariam and Fatima Masood

Mariam and Fatima Masood Authors of the book I Know Who You Are!


Twins Fatima and Mariam Masood with their book “I Know Who You Are!”

Twins explore personality types in co-authored work

By Nasheet Jaffer Khan, Community Solutions Editor
Published: April 02, 2009, 22:46


Dubai: Dubai-based twin sisters Mariam and Fatima Masood attempt to help break personality codes through their work of fiction I Know Who You Are.

The novel spins its tale around the nights and days of a 12-year-old boy, Sultan, who stumbles upon magical powers while cleaning a closet, as his family prepares to move house.

What follows is Sultan’s journey to understanding the varied personalities of people, aided by his grandfather.

Being human we have problems with humans,” 25-year-old Fatima said. “Actually, it should be the contrary. Every person has a character skin [type], which affects their manner of interaction and relationship with others.

The book surmises that if you are able to identify the personality type, you can understand people better.


Mariam said that sensitivity and a keen observation of people helped provide the fodder for the story.

She said: “Just because people have physical similarities, they expect each other to think alike, believe or have similar opinions, too. The book broadly categorises the basic personalities.” She is quick to add that they “don’t claim that all personalities can be categorised“.

Employed as kindergarten teachers, it took the twins a year, endless cups of tea and countless “rain cheques” for family gatherings to finalise the book and its prime characters.

When it comes to creating something from nothing there are quite a few things that have to be considered. The development of the character ‘skins’ was a challenging task as we had to make each character as powerful as the other and yet unique,” Mariam said. She added that no character had a negative side to it as “everyone has a good reason for doing what they do“.

Squint-eyed nights of research and belief in their story gave the twins the courage to push the envelope and mail it to the publishers.

Fatima said: “There were times when we used to feel stressed and disappointed, waiting for publishers and literary agents to respond. However, from the time of sending the queries to signing the publishing contract, it only took us three months.”

Thinking of the time we started writing and to see the book published has been a rewarding experience. I feel like going to the bookstore just to see the book there!” Mariam said. Fatima added: “It was similar to seeing the harvest of a crop which has been planted, nurtured, protected and prayed for day in, day out. It is still unbelievable sometimes.”

The twins said they could not have written the book without each other – it was “a joint thought”. They said: “Though we are identical, little is common between us. We still understand each other the best.”

How has the book changed their lives?

They said: “It has simplified it. We know how to deal with people more effectively.

The book is published by Olympia Publishers and is available at Jashanmal Bookstores.




” I KNOW WHO YOU ARE!” is written by Dubai based twin authors, Mariam Masood and Fatima Masood. It is being published in the United Kingdom by Olympia Publishers and shall be out in Spring 2009 with the grace of Almighty Allah.

If you are a book lover, this ones for you.

I am among one of the few first readers of the book and I must say its a very gripping piece of modern literature. The concepts put forward in the book are very unique and capture the mind of the reader. You tend to read and re-read the core lines and concepts as you unfold the mystery woven around the characters.

It would be a good handbook to keep as a guide to understand people we live with. I believe the character skins portrayed in the book are very real. As you read the book you tend to say, “Oh! yes, I know this one; it is so and so in my life..oh so now I know!!”

By Faryal

Here is what the authors have to say about it:

I Know Who You Are! is a unique novel which has a blend of fascinating fiction and hard-core reality. It not only tells the readers the story about Sultan and his family but it also reveals the secret of dealing with people successfully.

 The book presents the concept that every person has a Character Skin which guides his behaviour and inspires his conversations. If you know a person’s Character Skin, you can understand, respond and deal with him effectively.

 “Truth is only valued by the ones who are righteous, for the ones who are possessed by their own beliefs are indifferent to it.” (Mariam & Fatima Masood)

 I Know Who You Are! diversifies a person’s perspective through positive thinking. It invites its reads to explore, enjoy, reflect  and analyze the concepts the Character Skins, people, possess.   

I Know Who You Are! will be in bookstores in Spring 2009.

To Read the preview, click here…

THE FRIDAY CLASS by Mariam and Fatima Masood

The Friday Class was a result of many isolated moments we spent as teachers… in school, at home, in malls, parks, waiting lobbies and at the Dubai Creek.
As teachers we always feel there is very less time, in class, to tell the children about the many little things they need to remember in order to enjoy life. Since the classes are curriculum driven it becomes difficult to address the day to day challenges, problems and tasks children come across. Not only as teachers, even at home, with our nephews and niece, we realize there are so many things that need adult attention and address.
In order to kill the guilt we thought of the concept of a Friday Class which would have all the little but important things we want to tell children aged 7 onwards.
It is important to say that Fridays and Saturdays are weekly holidays here in Dubai, no school. That’s why the article was named The Friday Class. At home, when children are missing their teachers, they get an opportunity of absorbing some more knowledge of the world… a short message from very concerned caring teachers…
So, for young girls and boys here are some nice things to read and follow in life. Of course also for older people who missed on good teachers and teachings in life!

Minutes invested in goodness help a lifetime.



Happy new year to all you mumz out there. Its great to jot down new year resolutions but the tough job is to stick to them. Have you made any new resolutions? I think we all do and I suppose we mums are real good list makers!

Here are some resolutions I think all mothers would like to stick to,

  • I will plan and organize my kitchen better, with all food stuff labelled.
  • I will plan my week’s menu in advance so I don’t have to bother to do that thinking everyday.
  • I will give more quality time to my kids, play puzzles, paint with them, play board games, hangman, draw, fly kites, read story books, hop, skip, run and make faces with them! Oh! I love being mom!
  • I will de-clutter corners of my house.
  • I will try some money saving tips my friend told me about!
  • I will work really hard this year to lose those extra kilos. (This one is on everyone’s list 😉 )
  • I will try to give some quality time to myself daily, that I always keep skipping because of my tight schedule. I will not miss my morning walk, or my morning coffee with a friend, I will not ignore my nails, hair or skin just because I could not find that 10 minutes I need to uplift my unkempt look. I will find those 10 minutes daily this year.
  • I will read good books, relax and enjoy life making an effort to forget the pain and sorrow I went through in my continuning journey – life!
  • I will organize things better by keeping a handy planner, listing important dates, my kid’s school events and most important, keep track of “things to do” by making my “TO DO LIST”.

I am sure you all will have much more to add to this list, do send in your resolutions in the comments section and share them with us.


Little children always get into scrapes and no one knows this better than their mother.

Most scrapes are minor and only need home treatment and lots of kisses on the bad ‘boo-boo’. Its important to attend to such incidents fast without the hassle of rummaging through drawers and rooms for a bandage here or an ointment there. An updated first aid kit that has all the essentials is a must-have for any efficient mom. Some pharmaceutical stores will sell pre-packaged first aid kits but you can put together your own with these simple tips. Store these in an unused lunch box out of reach of children. Keeping an accessible, portable first aid kit also makes it easier to carry along on picnics and outdoor trips when bruises and cuts are most likely to happen.

You’ll need:

* Acetaminophen and/or
* Ibuprofen (with a chart for weight-appropriate doses
  and a dosage spoon)
* Band-aids (assorted shapes and sizes for knuckles,
   knees and fingertips)
* Antiseptic wipes
* Antibiotic ointment
* Burn ointment
* Sterile roll gauze (in 3 and 4 inch sizes)
* First aid tape
* Bandage scissors
* Thermometer
* Tweezers and a magnifying glass
* A first aid guidebook

Other standard medicine-chest supplies include sunscreen (minimum SPF 15) and an anti-itch cream for rashes during summer.
Its also a good idea to keep telephone numbers of the closest children’s hospital’s emergency services in the first aid kit, along your child’s pediatrician’s name and number, and prescriptions for any medication your child is taking.

Like charity and hygiene, safety also begins at home, and now you can rest assured that you’re all set to banish that boo-boo.

Article contributed by our newest active member, Nihal Taher.

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20 Ideas for Kids Birthday Party Favors

If you are planning your kid’s birthday party, here are fun ideas for party favors… The children will love these return gifts!

1.Stuffed animals

2.Finger puppets


4.Pencil toppers according to birthday theme

5.Stickers according to birthday theme


7.Glow in the dark jewelery

8.Glow in the dark stars for decoration


10.Key chains

11.Mini photo frames



14.Craft kits

15.Themed hats

16.Themed T-shirts

17.Mini water guns

18.Flutes and whistles

19.Fridge magnets



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20 Ideas for Kids Birthday Party Favors

If you are planning your kid’s birthday party, here are fun ideas for party favors… The children will love these return gifts!

1.Stuffed animals

2.Finger puppets


4.Pencil toppers according to birthday theme

5.Stickers according to birthday theme


7.Glow in the dark jewelery

8.Glow in the dark stars for decoration


10.Key chains

11.Mini photo frames



14.Craft kits

15.Themed hats

16.Themed T-shirts

17.Mini water guns

18.Flutes and whistles

19.Fridge magnets



Join our newsletter for ideas, tips, articles, updates on the Creative Mumz group meet up in Dubai and Sharjah. Please log on to ,

Check out our writer’s club

Sayings-Mums, Dads and Children  

  • All mothers hope that their daughters will find a better husband than she did, and are convinced that their sons will never find as good a wife as their fathers did. 
  • We spent the first twelve months of our children’s lives teaching them to walk and talk, and the next twelve telling them to sit down and shut up. 
  • Children are incredibly good imitators.No matter how hard you try to teach them good manners, they always behave exactly like their parents.
  • Children fill the home with peace when they sleep.
  • Precocious children can be a pain. childish adults are worse.
  • Only after seeing how your grandchildren turn out can you see if you brought up your own children well.
  • Before I got married, I had six theories about bring up children. Now I have six children and no theories.
  • Children seldom misquote you. Infact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn’t have said.
  • How is it that little children are so intelligent and men so stupid. It must be education that does it?

I found these interesting sayings and thought of sharing them with you all.

Creative Mumz @ the Used Book Festival, Sharjah

Creative Mumz is participating in the

Used Book Festival organized by

Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services,

at Qanat Al Qasba, Sharjah

29th-31st of March 2007 (Thursday – Saturday)

from 10am – 10pm.

We are collecting used books for the event. The books will be sold at our tent at Qanat Al Qasba and , sale proceeds of the same will be donated to benefit special needs children. Please make a contribution by collecting used unwanted books (non-school books), you can ask your friends as well since this is for a good cause. Please support the event, your contribution is highly appriciated. All kinds of books, any language can be donated.

Kindly write to me if you would like to donate books so I can tell you where to deliver them (Dubai and Sharjah). I shall apprecite if the donation can be made by the 25th of March.

You are also invited to attend the festival with your family and friends and have a look at all the books there. Many schools, universities and organizations are participating  in the event. Since Qanat Al Qasba is a great family outing spot, I am sure we all will have a great time while supporting a good cause.

Thanks a lot. Hoping to get a great response from all of you.

Best regards,

Faryal Amir
Coordinator Creative Mumz

What makes a mother strong?  

1. Her children’s smiles and tender touch. Kid’s smiles are like turbo boosters when a mother feels low. And they work as heart softeners when she is cross. Their sweet emotions give inner strength. When nothing can cheer up a mother, her little one’s smile and hug will do the trick.  

2. A mother is not and never will be alone in her thoughts. Her children’s memories, tales and worries will always be with her. Whether she is cooking, cleaning, at work or just relaxing on a couch, she always has her kids on her mind.  

3.  The precious friendship of her kids is her greatest strength and an ultimate source of experiencing new worlds everyday.  

4. When her 6 year old kid makes a card for her and writes, “Mummy I love you. I am with you.” Sometimes such reassurance, strength and hope that a mother gets from these innocent words makes a mother forget all her worries. 

5. The dream to see her kids grow up to be responsible human beings gives a mother all the strength to work hard for them in spite of all odds. 

6. The trust that she can see in her child’s eyes, in all that she tells and does for him. The belief that my mother will always be there for me when I need her. 

7. A mother derives strength from her kid’s problems and fears. She has to build courage to accept these issues and provide wise solutions to tackle these problems. A mother has to be strong to face certain fears of her children with them. 

8. A thank you note that she finds on the fridge for something little that she did for her child, which she never felt was worthy of acknowledgement but was noted by her little one. 

9. The commitment that she is responsible for rearing and moulding the next generation. The thought that, with patience, guidance and support a mother can mould lives, makes her go an extra mile.  

10. The thought that she is blessed with the best gift a lady can wish for. Her kids are her priceless possession!  Someone who will relate to her and who will always need her no matter how old they get. This is a magical feeling that only a mother feels many times in a single day.  


Send in your original articles and stories for kids to 

To view current articles and stories log on to  

The First Story

I have penned down the very first story that my mother had told me when I was five years old. We lived in Muscat at that time. Its simplicity and innocence makes it lovable. And the message in it is what all mommys want their kids to get! Read the story on this link. on the stories page.

You may send in your original articles and stories (Short ones please) to along with your name, occupation and country, to be published on this new website Creative Mumz Writers Club. Kids can send in their original poems with their name and age.

Creative Mumz

Anger Management-Over Criticism by Parents

At Creative Mumz we believe in nurturing the parent-child bond. Although all parents including me claim and really do love their kids more than anything, but at times our love falls prey to our own frustrations and anger. We might loose control in difficult situations but need to educate ourselves to keep our cool, be more understanding and reasonable, esp. when dealing with kids. 

The following article is very thought provoking, so I felt like sharing it with all of you.

The most popular emotional wrecking tool with parents is over-criticism.
The slogan of the over-critical parent is “I’ll get that kid to shape up even if it kills him! After all, its for his/her OWN good! They will thank me some day!”

The really dedicated over-critical parent rides the kid’s back from the moment his feet touch the floor in the morning until he passes out at night! They become angry to the point of rage (or violence) whenever their kid “fails” to live up to their expectations. They resort to all kinds of ways and means to punish and “humiliate” the kid to live up to their unrealistic expectations and standards. The apparent aim of this kind of misguided parent(s) is to build the child up by tearing them down! The end result of course is just that, a torn down, broken hearted and bitter(angry) kid!

The child (victim) of the over-critical parent’s “good intentions” soon starts to feel that he or she just can’t do anything right! Whenever he or she falls short of perfection, they are made to feel they are a total screw up. And he now begins to feel that, since he or she has failed to live up to their parent’s impossibly high standards and expectations, he doesn’t therefore deserves their love and respect. A deep and dark feeling of “self-contempt” (anger at self) and worthlessness overwhelms him to the point of self-destructive behavior. Kids resent (are angry about) being “put down” and insulted all the time ESPECIALLY by their OWN parents! They rebel against it, and parents then wonder “whats gotten into him ?”

Since he has been made to feel he’s a “loser” by HIS OWN PARENT(S), he will now dramatize (act out) this conviction for the rest of his life.

Check out our website for information about our group for mums in Dubai and Sharjah.